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  1. V

    Remotly supports Linux?

    @mirillis Hello there, Any chance that remotly will get Linux/browser support?
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    Setting up your own cloud instance (relay server).

    If possible, please make a Docker image with this program! Thanks!
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    Remotly supports Linux?

    Sounds good! i wailt it :)
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    Remotly supports Linux?

    @mirillis Any ETA to Linux/WebRTC support? This app is better and better (Congratulations!) but unfortunately i can not use it "regular daily use" because my goal to access my Windows PC from my Linux notebook.
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    HDR mode not working 1.12.1

    @mirillis You are right! I switch to HEVC and HDR are working! I forget to check codec... :) Thanks the help!
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    HDR mode not working 1.12.1

    i would like to test again, because not remember, that HDR mode are enabled on 1.11.4. Please send me a download link to 1.11.4.
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    HDR mode not working 1.12.1

    avaliable, yes.
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    HDR mode not working 1.12.1 It say that my phone are HDR10+
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    HDR mode not working 1.12.1

    "Does your Android phone have an HDR display?" Yes. Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE "Does it work when connecting to 1.11.4 server version?" Yes, it working. "Can you also let us know what Remotly Plan do you see in the "My Account" window."
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    HDR mode not working 1.12.1

    Hello there, On Android, if i connect to my PC from android phone and HDR mode are enabled (my monitor and video card HDR capable) the picture are freeze or full green.
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    [UPDATE] Download English language template, translate and get 2 years of Ultimate Plan including 50GB of Connect Anywhere cloud transfer per month!

    @mirillis Here the fix that i found. the text files (same name with the screenshot) contain the fixed translation.
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    Black screen pc - laptop

    I affect similar problem. My workaround: - I start my remote PC with remote deskop protocol (MSTSC), to start remotly (no auto start) - close the remote desktop (no logoff, only close the session) - start remotly a other PC - try to connect but black screen and it say wait to the connection...
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    [UPDATE] Download English language template, translate and get 2 years of Ultimate Plan including 50GB of Connect Anywhere cloud transfer per month!

    @mirillis I found some "hard to understand" part of hungarian translation :) It easy that i see the context of the text. i will do a translation fix and will be upload it here.
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    Direct connection via VPN

    Hello @mirillis unfortunately the new version not fix the VPN direct connection problem.. :( info: i only tested it with windows-android connection, but tomorrow i will test windows-windows connection.
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    [UPDATE] Download English language template, translate and get 2 years of Ultimate Plan including 50GB of Connect Anywhere cloud transfer per month!

    @mirillis No problem. "Remote shared keyboard": "A megosztott billentyűzet testreszabása", "Shared keys": "Megosztott billentyűk", "Remapped keys": "Újra kiosztott billentyűk", "Remapped keys list:": "Az újra kiosztott billentyűk listája", "Macro keys": "Makró billentyűk", "Choose Your set to...
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    [UPDATE] Download English language template, translate and get 2 years of Ultimate Plan including 50GB of Connect Anywhere cloud transfer per month!

    @mirillis Hello there, I also finish the server translate. No too much time this week, this is the reason that i can not finish earlier.
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    Direct connection via VPN

    @mirillis hello there, today i have a chance to test windows to windows connection (via VPN). and the problem is exactly same... But on windows, i able to make a arp command. Interface: --- 0x3e is the VPN interface. The ethernet interace are : Interface: --- 0x11...
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    Direct connection via VPN

    Hello there, Side note: Bitdefender answer me, they fixed the false positive thing:
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    Direct connection via VPN

    well, i able to ping it. I found a app that do a icmp ping (tcp) a ip range. it work, i able to ping my local network devices. But it not arp of course... Just a idea... The clients are know own internal addresses. Why not send it to each other via management server? and all connected devices...
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    Direct connection via VPN

    Sorry, i can not run arp command my phone, it not rooted... :(