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  1. antho.fradier

    [UPDATE] Download English language template, translate and get 2 years of Ultimate Plan including 50GB of Connect Anywhere cloud transfer per month!

    <string name="customport">Utiliser un numéro de port P2P personnalisé</string> <string name="EnterPort">Numéro de port P2P</string> <string name="EnterPortHelpText">Entrez et appliquez un numéro de port qui doit être utilisé pour les connexions P2P. Cela permettra la redirection de port en...
  2. antho.fradier

    [UPDATE] Download English language template, translate and get 2 years of Ultimate Plan including 50GB of Connect Anywhere cloud transfer per month!

    OK, there are some small errors/approximations. It is easier now to see what needs to be corrected. I will provide a correction in the weekend.
  3. antho.fradier

    [UPDATE] Download English language template, translate and get 2 years of Ultimate Plan including 50GB of Connect Anywhere cloud transfer per month!

    "Écrans partagés" : "Partager un écran spécifique uniquement", "Partager le presse-papiers avec l'utilisateur connecté à cette ordinateur" : "Partager le presse-papiers avec l'utilisateur connecté à distance", "Affichage ${id}": "Affichage ${id}", "Déconnexion automatique en cas d'inactivité" ...
  4. antho.fradier

    [UPDATE] Download English language template, translate and get 2 years of Ultimate Plan including 50GB of Connect Anywhere cloud transfer per month!

    <string name="menu_general_settings_force_horizontal">Forcer la disposition horizontale de l'interface utilisateur</string>
  5. antho.fradier

    [UPDATE] Download English language template, translate and get 2 years of Ultimate Plan including 50GB of Connect Anywhere cloud transfer per month!

    Hello, Here is a French translation of the files. I left the English names of the plans (Ultimate, Premium, Enterprise, Free, Cloud Anywhere...) because I don't know if these names should be translated too. If it is the case I can correct the translation.