0.5-2 seconds freezing every a few minutes


always have had the problem. have changed client, server, router, and issue stays. making me think might be from remotly itself.
run in home wifi >500mbps, RTT < 5 ms, never above 20ms. once in a few minutes, get a freezing with the bad network symbol on for 0.5-3, typically 1-2 seconds, and the connection completely freezes (not pixelation). quite annoying.
did concurrent network throughput monitoring between the same client/server, during the freezing, the throughput did not drop nor RTT spiked.
run parsec and anyviewer (btw, it now supports hardware encoding) from the same client/server, never experienced any noticeable freezing.
again, it might be unique to my environment...
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Staff member
I have never seen this before but it must be fixed asap. Please let me know:
- which codec is set on the server/host side (avc/hevc)
- is hardware decoding enabled on the client
- does it happen on the android client too?
- what is the bitrate set for this connection (on the client)
- what is the maximum output bitrate set on the server in settings-video

To make the "low signal" icon visible there must be something serious going on with the signal's quality (burst of dropped packets for example). Maybe the bitrate is high and there is a spike. Still any corruption/drop should be recovered within milliseconds and not seconds :/ I'm testing on mobile 4/5G networks with 20Mbps and it works without any long freezes.


it is the same whichever encoding to use. quicksync or nvenc with or without HEVC or any max bitrate I set from 5 to 50mpbs. without hardware encoding, it is even worse. sometimes it is once in a few minutes, sometimes it is once every minutes. worse with android. it happens with two servers, once had fresh installation.

at this point, I have to think there is something problematic with the way I set up my computer or my home network. having too much problem with remotly in many fronts. would not be productive for myself or the developer to troubleshooting anymore. back to anyviewer + parsec setup. maybe come back after a while to see if I will have better luck


don't know what I did today. but suddenly, the 2-3 seconds freezing disappeared. have not had one red symbol this entire afternoon watching movie from server. strange.
but still, there were constant fraction of seconds freezing while using slower 2.4GHz wifi connection and none with 5Ghz -- but the slower (>200 mbps) still should be far more than enough bandwidth. would be great if the software can display diagnosis information such as bandwidth and response time to help troubleshoot.


happy to report that have not experienced one single instance of seconds long freezing in the last three days. not sure what happened.