Switching to portrait.. on my Retroid Pocket 2+


New member
I am using a Retroid Pocket 2+ device (that's an Android device that sort of looks like a GameBoy Advanced with a bunch of extra buttons) and when I connect to my machine, it shows my PC, BUT everything reverts to portrait mode (so sideways). When I turn the device (so I can hope to read the screen) it switches to landscape. Is there anyway, I can get it to lock it to landscape (which is the normal mode for the device) or do I have an actual bug here? BTW, I am using the 1.15 beta (that I downloaded off of the Remotly site).

If you are interested, I would be happy to give some more feedback once I can get past this (and feel a little more proficient with the app)



Staff member
Hi DevTheo!

Thank you for reporting this. Is the orientation on the PC set to portrait? If so then this is a bug (I have just verified that connecting to portrait display shows corrupted video). I think the fix will have to be done on both sides (PC and Android). We will need to notify Android device that the remote display is in portrait mode and the rotation logic will need to be inverted.

We will add this fix to version PC 1.8.0 / 1.17 Android. This update will also include secure file transfer between PCs.
With this update we will be close to ending the Beta period. Phase 2 will include:

- Connecting to specified games (and in future applications) without giving access to full desktop
- Web browser WebRTC client that will allow to connect from macOS and Linux
- 4:4:4 format video streaming (removes chroma blur present in 4:2:0)

In the next hour or so we will upload PC v1.7.2 and Android 1.16. This fix addresses problems of command packet loss.

Merry Christmas!
Mirillis Team


New member
Thanks.. I'm not sure what the PC is saying there.. I know it's a resolution where the width is larger than the height. BTW, if you need a tester with a weird device feel free to reach out. I just started using my device to stream steam from my PC to the device and really wanted to play somethings that weren't on Steam. (that's how I found you)

PS.. I am a Solutions Architect in my day job so I imagine I could be a useful tester.


Staff member
Than you for the details and help DevTheo.

If the width is larger than height on the PC it's a normal landscape layout. The problem must be with the orientation sensor on Retroid.
We will prepare a special version for you with an option to turn off our orientation sensor handling and use the device default settings/behaviour.
Is there any chance that you could check from another Android device (like a phone/tablet) to see if this problem persists.

By the way. Are you using the device only in local home network or also outside? Remotly should work in all conditions with any game as it uses a combo of P2P and cloud connection. We are also preparing a special piece of hardware that will allow remote access to any console from Playstation 2 to 5, Xbox and Nintendo (any with HDMI).


New member
So I just tried on my cell phone and over mobile connection and it worked great (exactly the way I would expect)! I love the priduct so far.. Btw, I suspect that the Retroid is lying to you when you ask it what form factor it is in.


Staff member
Hi DevTheo. Thank you for checking another device! As a temporary fix we will add an option for Android app to force the layout (list with 3 modes: Auto, Landscape, Portrait). Currently we adjust the layout in real time upon the orientation sensor which provides results from 0 to 360 degrees. But as we can see this does not work for Retroid. We will also order Retroid for testing in our labs.


Staff member
"Force horizontal layout" will be ready tomorrow in Android Remotly app v1.17. This option will be available in the General Settings panel.


Staff member
Hi DevTheo,

We have just uploaded new versions for PC (1.7.3) and Android (1.17). In the Android app we have improved orientation sensor handling and added a new option to force horizontal layout if everything else fails.

Please let us know if you see any improvements.

Thank you,
Paul from Mirillis Team


Staff member
We have just uploaded v1.18 for Android. It should now work without the override as we only set the sensor orientation of the device. In the previous version orientation was set to portrait by hand depending on how the device was held.


Staff member
Thank you DevTheo for your help and assistance! The app will soon be available on Google Play Store. Please don't forget to rate it :)


Staff member
Hi DevTheo!

Remotly for Android is now available from Google Play store:
Direct APK download will also be available for countries where Google Play is not available.

We would be very grateful if you could rate it in your free time.

Thank you!
Mirillis Team