Full-Screen Game Mode -- Control Lag


Not sure if full-screen game mode development has been completed. tried for the first time. Input lags a few seconds, from keyboard/mouse/gamepad.


Staff member
Yes. It works and is used by at least 10k+ people. Are you testing in full-screen exclusive mode or borderless windowed full-screen mode?

Are you connecting from a > 60Hz display (client runs on 120/144Hz display). The test is done using P2P?


both in full-screen and windowed. P2P in LAN. 60Hz display.
I have a router that drops 50% UDP packet. not sure whether this is the reason.


Staff member
There is a big difference between normal/desktop mode and game mode. In game mode the framerate is constant (even for desktop). Since the framerate is constant the bitrate will be higher all the time. If it is a lag the packets are delivered but many of them are "out of order". When packets are dropped stuttering will happen.

Does only the input lag and video is ok?

Dropping 50% of UDP is a LOT.


input lags. video is ok.
many/most of the problems I am having might have to do with the router. gl.inet GL-x3000, based on openwrt, costs $400 (with cell 5G). I have two of them, both drop 50% UDP, not sure why, can't find any info googling. previous one was also from gl.inet, their top mode w/o cell. also tested on two of their low end routers (all my routers are from them due to openwrt), they all drop 30%-50% UDP packet.
TCP throughput is not affected, can hit 800 mbps (max 1Gbps). UDP throughput is about half (hence 50% loss).

if this is indeed the issue, then sorry about the false alert. but probably also good as serving as a battle-field test ground for remotly. strangely Parsec is not affected in any way that I can notice.


Staff member
No false alert here. If video is ok than input must also work. The input (mouse/keyboard/gamepads etc.) is only a fraction of the video data.
UDP is not buffered. If it's dropped than there is no lag, just stuttering as the input is not "smooth" after losing some packets (dropping 50% would make 60fps look like 30fps since every second input would be lost).
Lag can only happen due to some kind of buffering (either on router or in software). I still don't understand how UDP can lag/delay so much.
This doesn't make any sense.

If you change to normal mode (from game mode) everything works ok in this setup?


it does not allow me to switch from game mode to desktop control mode. the button is grayed out in game. either full screen or windowed.
connecting to the admin instance (w/o GPU), no lag
also had to turn on compatibility mode to even connect without blank screen.
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Staff member
Fixed in v1.19.0:

BTW. The default hotkey to exit game mode is CTRL+M (can be changed in Settings->Hotkeys section).