[UPDATE] Download English language template, translate and get 2 years of Ultimate Plan including 50GB of Connect Anywhere cloud transfer per month!


Staff member

Attached is the translation in Portuguese (pt-BR).
I'll try to keep updating for next releases.
Any error/question please warn me.

Hi Eduardo,

Thank you for your awesome work! We will contact you tomorrow with a private message (please respond to this message by sending us your email associated with Remotly account). We will also update the current language pack tomorrow (the one downloadable in this thread) so we can synchronize with your work and make it up to date (and release it in PC v1.10.2 and Android v1.23)


Staff member
Hi Eduardo,

Please forgive us it took so long. We are preparing v1.12.0 for the official commercial launch and it will finally include pt-BR translation.

Since there have been many changes in the UI and functionality we will need to add some missing sentences. We will be very grateful if you could help us with them (as in the past the first part is the English key and the second is the actual translation):

"Remote shared keyboard": "Shared keyboard customization",
"Shared keys": "Shared keys",
"Remapped keys": "Remapped keys",
"Remapped keys list:": "Remapped keys list:",
"Macro keys": "Macro keys",
"Choose Your set to remap keys": "Choose a preset or add a new one using (+)",
"Keyboard": "Keyboard",
"Key filter mode": "Allow key filtering/remapping",
"Hotkey filter mode": "Allow hotkey filtering",
"create": "create",
"restore default": "restore defaults",
"Selected keyboard set": "Selected keyboard set",
"unlocked": "allowed",
"You can enable/disable system specific hotkeys for connected user. To allow hotkey filtering create a preset, turn on 'allow hotkey filtering' option and next enable/disable each hotkey combination.": "You can enable/disable system specific hotkeys for connected user. To allow hotkey filtering turn on 'allow hotkey filtering' option and enable/disable each hotkey combination. This is a global setting.",
"Create a new preset or select an existing one. Next, enable the keys that should be shared with the remotely connected user.": "Create a new preset or select an existing one. Next, enable the keys that should be shared with the remotely connected user.",
"After enabling selected keys in the 'Shared keys' section you can also remap them to act as different keys. This is useful when playing multiplayer games so that the remotely connected user can use the same set of keys as Player 1.": "After enabling selected keys in the 'Shared keys' section you can also remap them to act as different keys. This is useful when playing multiplayer games so that the remotely connected user can use the same set of keys as Player 1.",
"After creating a new, empty preset please enable the keys that should be allowed for the remotely connected user from the virtual keybord.": "After creating a new, empty preset please enable the keys that should be allowed for the remotely connected user from the virtual keyboard.",

"Shared monitors": "Share specific monitor only",

"P2P port": "Use custom P2P port numbers",
"in": "IN",
"out": "OUT",

"Share clipboard with user connected to this PC": "Share clipboard with remotely connected user",

"Maximum throughput": "Maximum throughput",

"Are you sure to install ViGEm Bus Driver?": "Do you want to install ViGEm Bus Driver?",
"You will be asked to install third-party software.": "Installation of ViGEm Bus Driver is required to allow remote gamepad support.",
"Continue": "Continue",

"Create remapping set": "Create customized keyboard preset",
"Name": "Preset name",

"Set P2P port number": "P2P port number",
"Inbound port number": "Inbound port",
"Outbound port number": "Outbound port",
"Enter and apply the port number that should be used for P2P connections. This will allow port forwarding using router settings. Allowed port number values are 1024..65535": "Enter and apply the port number that should be used for P2P connections. This will allow port forwarding using router settings. Allowed port number values are 1024..65535",
"apply": "apply",

"Trust this device": "Next time accept this device without authorization",
"My device": "My device",
"Verification in progress": "Verification in progress",
"IP verified": "IP verified",
"IP unknown": "IP unknown",
"IP not verified": "IP not verified",

"Automatic disconnect on inactivity": "Automatic disconnect on inactivity",
"Press any key or move the mouse to cancel the countdown.": "Move the mouse to cancel the disconnection countdown.",
"seconds to disconnect:": "Seconds to disconnect:",

"Please Enable Internet Connection": "Please Enable Internet Connection",

"Drawing panel": "Show/hide drawing panel"

Thank you in advance!


Hungarian translation (Only windows and notifications) are done. This weekend i try to finish Android translation and begin of next week the server strings.


  • HU-hu.zip
    2.7 KB · Views: 54


Staff member
Hungarian translation (Only windows and notifications) are done. This weekend i try to finish Android translation and begin of next week the server strings.

Thank you vamp! It will be integrated in v1.12.0 update. Please do check the screen blanking thread as we want to improve this as much as possible before going into additional drivers.



I finished android hungarian translation. It possible that some of error that only solve it if i see the translated text in context.

begin of next week i will finish server strings.


  • android_hu.zip
    8.3 KB · Views: 47



Hello there,

I also finish the server translate. No too much time this week, this is the reason that i can not finish earlier.


  • hu_HU.zip
    7.9 KB · Views: 41


Staff member

Hello there,

I also finish the server translate. No too much time this week, this is the reason that i can not finish earlier.
Hi vamp,

Sorry for this update taking so long but it is huge and we need to make sure everything will work fine. We have verified all translations (old and new) and we are missing some sentences (I have posted them below). We would be very grateful for your help in translating them:

"Remote shared keyboard": "Shared keyboard customization",
"Shared keys": "Shared keys",
"Remapped keys": "Remapped keys",
"Remapped keys list:": "Remapped keys list:",
"Macro keys": "Macro keys",
"Choose Your set to remap keys": "Choose a preset or add a new one using (+)",
"Keyboard": "Keyboard",
"Key filter mode": "Allow key filtering/remapping",
"Hotkey filter mode": "Allow hotkey filtering",
"create": "create",
"restore default": "restore defaults",
"Selected keyboard set": "Selected keyboard set",
"unlocked": "allowed",
"You can enable/disable system specific hotkeys for connected user. To allow hotkey filtering create a preset, turn on 'allow hotkey filtering' option and next enable/disable each hotkey combination.": "You can enable/disable system specific hotkeys for connected user. To allow hotkey filtering turn on 'allow hotkey filtering' option and enable/disable each hotkey combination. This is a global setting.",
"Create a new preset or select an existing one. Next, enable the keys that should be shared with the remotely connected user.": "Create a new preset or select an existing one. Next, enable the keys that should be shared with the remotely connected user.",
"After enabling selected keys in the 'Shared keys' section you can also remap them to act as different keys. This is useful when playing multiplayer games so that the remotely connected user can use the same set of keys as Player 1.": "After enabling selected keys in the 'Shared keys' section you can also remap them to act as different keys. This is useful when playing multiplayer games so that the remotely connected user can use the same set of keys as Player 1.",
"After creating a new, empty preset please enable the keys that should be allowed for the remotely connected user from the virtual keyboard.": "After creating a new, empty preset please enable the keys that should be allowed for the remotely connected user from the virtual keyboard.",



No problem.

"Remote shared keyboard": "A megosztott billentyűzet testreszabása",
"Shared keys": "Megosztott billentyűk",
"Remapped keys": "Újra kiosztott billentyűk",
"Remapped keys list:": "Az újra kiosztott billentyűk listája",
"Macro keys": "Makró billentyűk",
"Choose Your set to remap keys": "Válasszon egy előbeállítást vagy adjon hozzá egy újat a (+) segítségével.",
"Keyboard": "Billentyűzet",
"Key filter mode": "Billentyűk szűrése/újrakiosztása",
"Hotkey filter mode": "Hotkey-szűrés engedélyezése",
"create": "létrehozás",
"restore default": "alapértelmezett értékek visszaállítása",
"Selected keyboard set": "Kiválasztott billentyűkészlet",
"unlocked": "engedélyezett",
"You can enable/disable system specific hotkeys for connected user. To allow hotkey filtering create a preset, turn on 'allow hotkey filtering' option and next enable/disable each hotkey combination.": "A csatlakoztatott felhasználó számára engedélyezheti/tilthatja a rendszerspecifikus gyorsbillentyűket. A gyorsbillentyű-szűrés engedélyezéséhez kapcsolja be a "gyorsbillentyű-szűrés engedélyezése" opciót, és engedélyezze/tiltsa az egyes gyorsbillentyűkombinációkat. Ez egy globális beállítás.",
"Create a new preset or select an existing one. Next, enable the keys that should be shared with the remotely connected user.": "Új előbeállítás létrehozása vagy egy meglévő kiválasztása. Ezután engedélyezze azokat a billenyűket, amelyeket meg kell osztani a távolról csatlakozó felhasználóval.",
"After enabling selected keys in the 'Shared keys' section you can also remap them to act as different keys. This is useful when playing multiplayer games so that the remotely connected user can use the same set of keys as Player 1.": "Miután engedélyezte a "Megosztott billentyűk" szakaszban kiválasztott billentyűket, át is rendelheti őket, hogy különböző billentyűként működjenek. Ez többjátékos játékoknál hasznos, hogy a távolról csatlakozó felhasználó ugyanazt a billentyűkészletet használhassa, mint az 1. játékos.",
"After creating a new, empty preset please enable the keys that should be allowed for the remotely connected user from the virtual keyboard.": "Egy új, üres előbeállítás létrehozása után engedélyezze azokat a billentyűket, amelyeket a virtuális billentyűzetről engedélyezni kell a távolról csatlakozó felhasználó számára.",



I found some "hard to understand" part of hungarian translation :)

It easy that i see the context of the text. i will do a translation fix and will be upload it here.


Staff member

I found some "hard to understand" part of hungarian translation :)

It easy that i see the context of the text. i will do a translation fix and will be upload it here.

We have found some missing phrases just before the update and decided to use google translate to not leave them in english :/

We will be very grateful for your help in fixing them 😉



Here the fix that i found.

the text files (same name with the screenshot) contain the fixed translation.


  • translate_fix_hu.zip
    325.8 KB · Views: 48


Staff member
Hello! Where can I get the latest EN language pack for Romanian translation?
Hello Mateo!

Sorry for the late response (the whole team was working 24/7 on 1.15.0 update). I will upload the latest EN language pack for PC and Android (as an attachment to this post) tomorrow.