[UPDATE] Download English language template, translate and get 2 years of Ultimate Plan including 50GB of Connect Anywhere cloud transfer per month!


Staff member
Remotly is currently available in 5 languages: English, Spanish, Chinese (Simplified), Turkish and Polish. With your help, we would like to add as many languages as possible! All you need to do is download the following zip file containing json and xml files, translate them and finally upload the modified files attached to this forum thread.
Next, please send us a private message with your Remotly account associated email address so we can upgrade your plan.

That's it!

Please make sure your native language translation is not already done by checking languages already attached to this thread.

Thank you for your help,
Mirillis Team
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Staff member


  • en_language_pack.zip
    15.6 KB · Views: 141
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New member

Here is a French translation of the files.
I left the English names of the plans (Ultimate, Premium, Enterprise, Free, Cloud Anywhere...) because I don't know if these names should be translated too.

If it is the case I can correct the translation.


  • fr_language_pack.zip
    19.1 KB · Views: 118
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Staff member

Here is a French translation of the files.
I left the English names of the plans (Ultimate, Premium, Enterprise, Free, Cloud Anywhere...) because I don't know if these names should be translated too.

If it is the case I can correct the translation.
Hi Anthony,

We have just added the translation to the Android App. There is only one thing missing:
<string name="menu_general_settings_force_horizontal">Force horizontal UI layout</string>

This is a new function added recently.
Can you please translate this phrase for us?

Thank you!


New member
Hi Anthony,

We have just added the translation to the Android App. There is only one thing missing:
<string name="menu_general_settings_force_horizontal">Force horizontal UI layout</string>

This is a new function added recently.
Can you please translate this phrase for us?

Thank you!
<string name="menu_general_settings_force_horizontal">Forcer la disposition horizontale de l'interface utilisateur</string>


Staff member
Hi Anthony,

The Android version is complete. We are now integrating server side translations. We are missing a few sentences:

"Shared monitors": "Share specific monitor only",
"Share clipboard with user connected to this PC": "Share clipboard with remotely connected user",
"Display ${id}": "Display ${id}",
"Automatic disconnect on inactivity": "Automatic disconnect on inactivity",
"Press any key or move the mouse to cancel the countdown.": "Move the mouse to cancel the disconnection countdown.",
"seconds to disconnect:": "Seconds to disconnect:",
"Please Enable Internet Connection": "Please Enable Internet Connection",


New member
"Écrans partagés" : "Partager un écran spécifique uniquement",
"Partager le presse-papiers avec l'utilisateur connecté à cette ordinateur" : "Partager le presse-papiers avec l'utilisateur connecté à distance",
"Affichage ${id}": "Affichage ${id}",
"Déconnexion automatique en cas d'inactivité" : "Déconnexion automatique en cas d'inactivité",
"Appuyez sur n'importe quelle touche ou déplacez la souris pour annuler le compte à rebours." : "Déplacez la souris pour annuler le compte à rebours avant la déconnexion.",
"secondes avant la déconnexion :": "Secondes avant la déconnexion :",
"Veuillez activer la connexion Internet" : "Veuillez activer la connexion Internet",


Staff member
"Écrans partagés" : "Partager un écran spécifique uniquement",
"Partager le presse-papiers avec l'utilisateur connecté à cette ordinateur" : "Partager le presse-papiers avec l'utilisateur connecté à distance",
"Affichage ${id}": "Affichage ${id}",
"Déconnexion automatique en cas d'inactivité" : "Déconnexion automatique en cas d'inactivité",
"Appuyez sur n'importe quelle touche ou déplacez la souris pour annuler le compte à rebours." : "Déplacez la souris pour annuler le compte à rebours avant la déconnexion.",
"secondes avant la déconnexion :": "Secondes avant la déconnexion :",
"Veuillez activer la connexion Internet" : "Veuillez activer la connexion Internet",


Staff member
I corrected some typographical errors and standardized some terms.
The updated version will be ready later today. We have also improved HEVC streaming to devices that do not support hardware HEVC decoding (Android). HEVC will not be streamed in this case since in most cases it works terrible...


Staff member
Hi Anthony,

The Android App is now available from the Google Play Store. They have finally accepted everything. We will upload this latest version to the Google Play Store soon. We will also replace the Monflo App with a redirection to the Remotly App.


Staff member
Hi Anthony,

The Android App is now available from the Google Play Store. They have finally accepted everything. We will upload this latest version to the Google Play Store soon. We will also replace the Monflo App with a redirection to the Remotly App.

We have added one more option to the android app. It allows to set a custom P2P port for direct connections. Now using router settings it is possible to port forward the traffic to the Android device.

I would be grateful if you could help us with the following new sentences:
<string name="customport">Use custom P2P port number</string>
<string name="EnterPort">P2P port number</string>
<string name="EnterPortHelpText">Enter and apply the port number that should be used for P2P connections. This will allow port forwarding using router settings. Allowed port number values are 1024..65535</string>

Thank you in advance!


New member
<string name="customport">Utiliser un numéro de port P2P personnalisé</string>
<string name="EnterPort">Numéro de port P2P</string>
<string name="EnterPortHelpText">Entrez et appliquez un numéro de port qui doit être utilisé pour les connexions P2P. Cela permettra la redirection de port en utilisant les paramètres de votre routeur. Les valeurs de numéro de port autorisées sont 1024..65535</string>


Staff member
<string name="customport">Utiliser un numéro de port P2P personnalisé</string>
<string name="EnterPort">Numéro de port P2P</string>
<string name="EnterPortHelpText">Entrez et appliquez un numéro de port qui doit être utilisé pour les connexions P2P. Cela permettra la redirection de port en utilisant les paramètres de votre routeur. Les valeurs de numéro de port autorisées sont 1024..65535</string>

Tomorrow the Open Beta text should change to the valid one.

Eduardo AC

New member

Attached is the translation in Portuguese (pt-BR).
I'll try to keep updating for next releases.
Any error/question please warn me.


  • pt_br_language_pack.zip
    18.9 KB · Views: 83